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Private Acts of 1835 - 36 Chapter 135

SECTION 1.  That the dividing line between the counties of Marion and Hamilton, on the south side of the Tennessee river, shall commence opposite the mouth of Lick creek, running the nearest direction to the extreme height of the Raccoon mountain; thence in a direction so as to strike the Georgia line where said line intersects the Lookout valley, leaving the Lookout valley in Hamilton county.

SECTION 2.  That so much of the act passed in the year 1833, chapter 15, as relates to the dividing line between the counties of Marion and Hamilton, on the south side of the Tennessee river, be and the same is hereby repealed.

SECTION 3.  (That) if the county court of Marion county deem it expedient, they shall appoint some person or persons to mark or run and mark said line, who shall receive a reasonable compensation for his or their services, to be allowed by the court and paid out of any moneys in the hands of the county trustee not otherwise appropriated.

Passed:  February 17, 1836.