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Private Acts of 1833 Chapter 16

The county of McMinn, in addition to its present limits, shall commence at the point on the south bank of Hiwassee river, where the Rhea County line terminates, thence along said lines, until it strikes the Hamilton County line at Wilson Evans' thence along said line to the White Oak mountain; thence along the extreme height of said mountain and the Hamilton County line entire, until it strikes the five mile point of Hamilton County line, on the dividing line between the States of Georgia and Tennessee; thence along said line until it strikes a point opposite to the line dividing Monroe and McMinn Counties; thence a direct line to the division line between the said counties of Monroe and McMinn; and that all the balance of said territory shall be attached to, and included in the county of Monroe, in addition to its present limits. And it is hereby made the duty of the Surveyor General of the Hiwassee district to run and mark the several county lines as designated by this act.

Passed: November 8, 1833.