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Private Acts of 1825 Chapter 327

SECTION 1. That Isaac Taylor, of White county, be, and he is, hereby appointed to resurvey the lines of Overton county so as to ascertain its constitutional limits, beginning at Johnston's stand, the south east corner of said county, running westward with the line dividing Overton and White counties, to where the Jackson county line intersects the same, thence north, with the line dividing Overton and Jackson, to the Kentucky line; thence east, with the State line, so far that by running south, parallel with the eastern boundary line of Jackson county, until it strikes the Morgan county line; thence with the same to Johnston's stand, leaving Overton county its constitutional limits, which lines, so run and marked, shall be known as the boundary lines of Overton county, and in case the survey is not made as aforesaid, in the time specified by this act, the line already run between Overton and Fentress counties, shall remain and be established as the boundary of said counties.

SEC. 2. That the survey of the lines aforesaid shall be made against the fifteenth day of February next, and the chain carriers necessary in making the survey shall be chosen from the counties of White or Jackson.

SEC. 3. That the expense of the survey aforesaid, shall not be made a county charge, but may be paid by subscription or otherwise.

SEC. 4. That the surveyor by this act appointed shall, previous to his surveying the lines aforesaid, before some justice of the peace for Overton county, make oath that he will cause to be measured and impartially survey the lines specified by this act, without favor or affection.

Passed: December 6, 1925.