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Private Acts of 1823 Chapter 129

SECTION 1.  That the following described bounds, to wit:  beginning at the south-west corner of Hardeman county, running north with the west boundary line of said county, to the fifth sectional line in the tenth district; thence west, to a point one mile west of the third range line in the eleventh district; thence south parallel with said range line, to the south boundary of the state; thence east with said boundary, to the beginning; which above-described bounds was heretofore attached to Shelby county, shall be hereafter attached to, and be a part of Hardeman county, until otherwise provided for by law.

SECTION 2.  That the citizens of the above-described bounds shall be entitled to all the privileges, and subject to all the duties, as other citizens of Hardeman county, with this exception, that they shall not be liable to pay any taxes for the purpose of erecting public buildings in said county of Hardeman.

Passed:  October 30, 1823.