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Private Acts of 1819 Chapter 41

SECTION 1.  That the territory lying south west of Rhea and south and east of Bledsoe and Marion counties, shall constitute a county by the name of Hamilton in honour and to perpetuate the memory of the late Alexander Hamilton, secretary of the Treasury of the United States.

SECTION 2.  That the said county of Hamilton shall be bounded as follows (to wit,)  beginning at a point at the foot of Waldens ridge of Cumberland mountain on the east side thereof; thence running to a point on the Tennessee river two and one half miles below the lower end of Jolly's island, so as to include Patrick Martin in the county of Hamilton, thence south 35° east to the southern limits of this state, thence west to the point where Marion county line intersects said western boundary, thence north eastwardly with Marion county line to Bledsoe county line, thence with Bledsoe county line to a point opposite the beginning and thence to the beginning.

SECTION 3.  That for the due administration of Justice, the court of Pleas and Quarter sessions and the Circuit Court of the county of Hamilton shall be holden at such place as shall be designated by Charles Gamble, Robert Patterson and William Lauderdale until otherwise provided for by law; under the same rules, regulations and restrictions, and shall possess and exercise the same power and jurisdiction of said courts in other counties in this state.

SECTION 4.  That the sheriff of Hamilton county shall hold an election at the place for holding courts in said county on the first Thursday and Friday in March next, for the purpose of electing field officers for the said county of Hamilton, under the same rules, and regulations and restrictions as are prescribed by law in similar cases; and the militia of said county shall compose the 64th Regiment and shall be attached to and become a part of the 7th Brigade.

SECTION 5.  That it shall be the duty of the commandant of said Regiment, having been first commissioned and sworn, to lay off said regiment into companies of convenient size, and to issue writs of election for company officers in said companies, giving the notice prescribed by law in each company; which election shall be holden and conducted under the same rules and in the same manner as in other cases for company officers.

SECTION 6.  That the county of Hamilton shall be part of the district for electing Governor, Members of the General Assembly, Representatives to Congress, and Electors to elect a President, and Vice President of the United States which the county of Rhea belongs; and that the elections shall be held at the place of holding courts in said county at the time and in the manner by law directed; and the sheriff or returning officer of said county shall make return of the polls of said election to the sheriff of Rhea county in the Town of Washington on the day next succeeding each election, and comparing the votes, the sheriff of Rhea county shall declare the candidate for the Representative of the counties of Rhea and Hamilton, who may have the greatest number of votes duly elected Representative for said counties, and give him a certificate accordingly; and it shall be the duty of the sheriff of Rhea County to make return of the votes for Senators of Rhea and Hamilton Members to Congress, Governor, &c. as heretofore for Rhea county.

SECTION 7.  That it shall be lawful for any Justice of the Peace for Rhea county to attend at the place appointed by said Commissioners for holding courts in Hamilton county at the first court of Pleas and Quarter sessions for said county, for the purpose of administering to the Justices of said county the necessary oaths.

Passed:  October 25, 1819.