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Private Acts of 1807 Chapter 37

SECTION 1. That a new county be, and the same is hereby established south and
southwest of, and adjoining the said county of Rutherford, by the name of Bedford, in memory
of Thomas Bedford deceased; which said county shall begin at the southwest corner of
Rutherford, and southeast corner of Williamson county on the Duck river ridge, and run thence
with said Williamson county line, to the line of the county of Maury; thence along the same
southwardly to the south boundary of the state; thence eastwardly to the east boundary of
Rutherford county; thence along the same to the ridge that divides the waters of Duck river from
those of Cumberland; thence along the same westwardly, to the southeast corner of Williamson
county, leaving Rutherford county its constitutional limits; and all that tract of territory included
in the above described lines, shall be included within the said county of Bedford; and all the
lands north of the first described line on Duck river ridge where the said line intersects White
county line, then north with said line until it strikes the corner of Rutherford and Wilson county
line at a place known by the name of Rush spring, then to follow the old line of Rutherford
county, as by law established, shall be and remain the county of Rutherford.

COMPILER'S NOTE: Sections 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 concerned Bedford County and are not
reprinted here.

Passed: December 3, 1807.