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Private Act of 1953 Chapter 42

SECTION 1. That the Civil Districts of Unicoi County be and are hereby rearranged into five Civil Districts, and the numbers of said Districts and the boundaries of same established as hereinafter provided, to-wit:


The First Civil District shall consist of the territory within the following boundaries: Beginning at a point on the line between the State of North Carolina and the State of Tennessee where Greene County and Unicoi County join, and running thence along the boundary line between Greene and Unicoi Counties to a point known as Wilson Knob on top of Rich Mountain, this being the division line between the 7th and 9th voting precincts of Unicoi County; thence along the line between said 7th and 9th voting precincts, along the top of Higgin's Ridge to a point near the end of said Ridge; thence continuing with the division line between said voting precincts, passing a cemetery and crossing South Indian Creek and U. S. Highway 23 and 19W Northeast of Earnestville and continuing to the point where said division line intersects the line between 7th and 8th voting precincts; thence continuing, in an easterly direction, along the division line between said 7th and 8th voting precincts to a point in the center of the Nolichucky River at the line between North Carolina and Tennessee; thence along said boundary line between the States of North Carolina and Tennessee to the beginning point at the Greene County line, including the 1st, 8th, 9th, and 10th voting precincts of Unicoi County. Mr. R. M. Sams and Mr. Labe Gentry shall serve as Justices of the Peace for this said First Civil District of Unicoi County, Tennessee, until September 1, 1954, with their successors to be selected by the voters at the general county elections in August, 1954.


The Second Civil District shall consist of the territory within the following boundaries: Beginning at a point on the line between the States of North Carolina and Tennessee, in the center of the Nolichucky River, and running thence along the line between North Carolina and Tennessee to a point on said line, in the Unaka National Forest, designated by the U. S. Forest Service as its corner No. 389; thence in a northwesterly direction, a direct line to the head of Martin Creek; thence with the center of Martin Creek, as it meanders, to the center of the Nolichicky River; thence down the center of the Nolichucky River, as it meanders, to the line between Washington and Unicoi Counties; thence along the line between Washington and Unicoi Counties, in a Westerly and Southwesterly direction, to the Greene County line; thence along the line between Greene and Unicoi Counties, in a Southeasterly direction, to the Wilson Knob on top of Rich Mountain, the corner to the First Civil District, hereinbefore described; thence along the line of said First Civil District to a point in the center of the Nolichucky River at the line between North Carolina and Tennessee, the point of beginning. Mr. Dewey Frye and Mr. Bernie Bailey shall serve as Justices of the Peace for this said Second Civil District of Unicoi County, Tennessee, until September 1, 1954, with their successors to be selected by the voters at the general county elections in August, 1954.


The Third Civil District shall consist of the territory within the following boundaries: Beginning at a point on the line between the States of North Carolina and Tennessee, in the Unaka National Forest, designated by the U. S. Forest Service of Corner No. 389, and running thence along the line between North Carolina and Tennessee, in a Northeasterly direction, to a point designated by said Forest Service as corner No. 379; thence in a Northerly direction, a direct line, to the center of Rock Creek; thence down the center of Rock Creek, and the Northern prong thereof, in a Northwesterly direction, to the center of North Indian Creek; thence North 70 West to the line between Washington and Unicoi Counties on the Buffalo Mountain; thence along the line between Washington and Unicoi Counties, in a Westerly and Southwesterly direction, to the center of the Nolichucky River, the corner to the Second Civil District, hereinbefore described; thence along the line of said Second Civil District to a point on the line between North Carolina and Tennessee, the point of beginning. The county town being located in this Civil District, Mr. L. H. Alfred, Mr. A. F. Beckelhimer and Mr. Fred D. Booth shall serve as Justices of the Peace for this said Third Civil District of Unicoi County, Tennessee, until September 1, 1954, with their successors to be selected by the voters at the general county elections in August, 1954.


The Fourth Civil District shall consist of the territory within the following boundaries: Beginning at a point on the line between Washington and Unicoi Counties, on the Buffalo Mountain, the corner to the Third Civil District, hereinbefore described, and running thence along the line between Washington and Unicoi Counties, in a Northeasterly direction, to a point which is the division line between the 4th and 11th voting precinct of Unicoi County; thence along the division line between said 4th and 11th voting precinct, in a Southeasterly direction, to a point on the Rattlesnake Ridge and on the line of the 2nd voting precinct; thence along the line between the 4th and 2nd voting precincts, in a Northeasterly direction, along Stone Mountain, to the line between Carter and Unicoi Counties; thence along the line between Carter and Unicoi Counties, in a Southwesterly direction, to the line between North Carolina and Tennessee; thence along the North Carolina-Tennessee line to the U. S. Forest Service corner 379 on the Unaka Mountain, the corner to the Third Civil District, hereinbefore described; thence along the line of said Third Civil District, in a Northwesterly direction, to the Washington County line on the Buffalo Mountain, the point of beginning. Mr. Sam Jones and Mr. Clarence McInturff shall serve as Justices of the Peace for this Fourth Civil District of Unicoi County, Tennessee until September 1, 1954, with their successors to be selected by the voters at the general county elections in August, 1954.


The Fifth Civil District shall consist of the territory within the following boundaries: Beginning at a point on the line between Carter County and Unicoi County, on the Stone Mountain, the corner to the Fourth Civil District, and running thence with the line between Carter and Unicoi Counties, Northeasterly, Northwesterly and Southwesterly to the Washington County line at the Haynes Knob on the Buffalo Mountain; thence with the Washington County- Unicoi County Line, along the Buffalo Mountain, in a Southwesterly direction, across the Pinnacle, and to the Fourth Civil District line, as hereinbefore described; thence with the line of said Fourth Civil District to the Carter County line, the point of beginning. Mr. Earl McInturff and Mr. W. R. Anderson shall serve as Justices of the Peace for this Fifth Civil District of Unicoi County, Tennessee until September 1, 1954, with their successors to be selected by the voters at the general county elections in August, 1954.

SECTION 2. That the number of Civil Districts of Unicoi County, as herein established, shall not be increased or diminished except by Act of the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee.

SECTION 3. That this Act shall take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it, and all laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed.
Passed: February 20, 1953.