- Private Acts of 1970, Chapter 272, created a "Weakley County Governmental Library Commission," composed of one member to be appointed by the Judge of the Circuit Court, the Chancellor of the Chancery Court, the Judge of the General Sessions Court, two members who would be selected and appointed by the Weakley County Bar Association, and the Clerk and Master of the Chancery Court who would be a member ex-officio. The members would serve two year terms at no compensation, and vacancies occurring would be filled by the appointing authority of the vacated member. The purpose was to operate and maintain a county governmental library. The act added $1.00 to the costs on all lawsuits in the Circuit, Chancery, and County Courts, and on all suits in the General Sessions Court fifty cents would be added to the costs and collected as such by the Clerks of the various Courts. Some guidelines and regulations were included. This act was rejected by the Weakley County Quarterly Court and therefore never became an effective law under the provisions of the Home Rule Amendment to the State Constitution.