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Laws of North Carolina 1777 Chapter 31

COMPILER'S NOTE: Washington County was created by the legislature of North Carolina while the area that was later to be Tennessee, was a part of North Carolina. The statute set out here is from the Acts of North Carolina. There were other North Carolina Acts altering the boundaries of Washington County but they are not included in this compilation.

1. That the late district of Washington, and all that part of this state comprehended within the following lines, shall be erected into a new and distinct county, by the name of Washington county, viz. Beginning at the most north westerly part of the county of Wilkes, on the Virginia line; thence running with the line of Wilkes county, to a point thirty-six miles south of the Virginia line; thence due west, to the ridge of the great iron mountain which heretofore divided the hunting grounds of the Overhill Cherokees, from those of the middle settlements, and valley; thence running a south westerly course, along the said ridge, to the Unacoy mountain, where the trading path crosses the same from the valley to the overhills; thence south with the line of this state, adjoining the state of South Carolina; thence due west, to the great river Mississippi; thence up the said river (with) the courses thereof, to a point due west from the beginning; thence due east with the line of this state, to the beginning; And it is hereby declared, that all that part of this state comprehended within the lines aforesaid, shall from henceforth be and remain the county of Washington, and shall be, and is hereby declared to be part of the district of Salisbury.