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Law Enforcement - Historical Notes


The act briefly summarized below fell into this category in Grundy County.

  1. Acts of 1909, Chapter 568, made it unlawful for any person to break off, chip off, mutilate, deface, or carry away any of the formation, or parts, of Wonder Cave in Grundy County.  Any one doing so and apprehended would be fined from $25 to $50. However, no person would be convicted of this offense under this Acts unless the owner of Wonder Cave shall keep the same well posted at four conspicuous places in or near the entrance to the cave with a printed copy of this Act.


The following acts have no current effect but are included here for reference purposes since they once applied to the Grundy County Sheriff's Office.

  1. Private Acts of 1921, Chapter 627 raised the compensation of the Sheriff of Grundy County by $500 in addition to the fees then allowed by law.  This sum was payable quarterly out of the county funds upon warrant of the County Chairman or County Judge of the County Court.
  2. Private Acts of 1927, Chapter 773, fixed the salary of the Sheriff of Grundy County at $1,000 per year, payable quarterly, which shall be in addition to, over, and above, regardless of, the amount of fees collected in the office, and which are allowed by law to the Sheriff.  The salary would be paid out of regular county funds.
  3. Private Acts of 1929, Chapter 316, provided that in Grundy County the Quarterly Court at its April Session in 1930, and every two years thereafter, would set the amount of the ex-officio fees to be paid to the sheriff beginning on September 1, of that year, which amount shall be no lower than $400 and no higher than $800, and which would not be increased, or decreased during the term for which it was set.   The amount paid hereunder would be in addition to, and over and above, all fees allowed the Sheriff by law.
  4. Private Acts of 1945, Chapter 25, stated that, in Grundy County, identified by the use of the 1940 Federal Census figures, the Sheriff shall be paid as ex-officio fees the sum of $1,800 per year, payable in equal monthly installments out of the county treasury on the warrant of the County Judge but no other ex-officio fees of any kind would be paid other than this.
  5. Private Acts of 1949, Chapter 135, increased the amount of the ex-officio fees to be paid to the Sheriff of Grundy County from $1,800 to $3,600 payable in equal monthly installments, as before.  No other ex-officio allowances of any kind would be paid to the Sheriff, and this Act would take effect on March 1, 1949.