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Law Enforcement - Historical Notes


The following acts have no current effect but are included here for reference purposes since they once applied to the Scott County sheriff's office. Also referenced below is an act which repeals prior law without providing new substantive provisions.

  1. Acts of 1865-66, Chapter 74, Section 5, stated that Baley Buttram, the law Sheriff and tax collector of Scott County, was granted additional time of six months from and after the passage of this act to collect and account for all his unfinished business as Sheriff and tax collector.
  2. Acts of 1867-68, Chapter 62, recites in the preamble that for many years preceding the rebellion, Bailey Buttram was the Sheriff and tax collector for Scott County and the war prevented him from making complete collections and final settlements. He is, therefore, granted an extension of two years from and after the passage of this act to wind up, collect all taxes and arrears, and make his final settlements as the said Sheriff and Tax Collector were required to do.
  3. Private Acts of 1919, Chapter 543, provided that in Scott County the Sheriff shall be allowed and paid all the fees provided by law for him to collect and receive, and, in addition, shall be paid out of the county treasury on the warrant of the Judge or Chairman, the further sum of $800 per year, as ex-officio fees, payable on the first Monday of January, April, July, and October of each year.
  4. Private Acts of 1923, Chapter 157, Section 3, provides that the constables in each Civil District shall be the Truant Officer and receive same fees as others doing that work but shall not receive over $50 a year as compensation for these duties.
  5. Private Acts of 1933, Chapter 534, amended Private Acts of 1919, Chapter 543, by deleting the provision which allowed the payment of $800 a year to the Sheriff over and above the fees of his office, thus reducing his compensation by that amount and making his fees his only income. This act was repealed by the one following.
  6. Private Acts of 1937, Chapter 518, expressly and entirely repeals Private Acts of 1933, Chapter 534, Item 5, above.
  7. Private Acts of 1947, Chapter 860, provided that in Scott County, jurors would be paid at the rate of $4 per day and the Sheriff would be paid $1.10 for feeding prisoners per day per prisoner.