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Health - Historical Notes

The following summaries are included herein for reference purposes.

  1. Private Acts of 1927, Chapter 593, declared that in Lewis County any person who had attended the Dental Department of the State of Tennessee during the school year 1892-1893 and was continuously in practice during the school year 1902, and most of the year, 1903, when their work had to be abandoned because of reasons of their bad health, and their dentistry course would have been completed except for that reason, and the above person had practiced dentistry since that time making a total experience of over 30 years, such a person could continue to practice dentistry in the State of Tennessee and the Examining Board would issue a license to that effect to that person.
  2. Private Acts of 1935, Chapter 470, created the position of County Health Nurse in Lewis County which required the Quarterly County Court to elect a County Health Nurse, instead of a County Physician, as the County Health Officer for the next two year period. The appointee would meet the qualifications set up in the Act, would visit the inmates of the county jail, the County Home for the indigent, and such other indigents as may be required and needed. The Health Nurse would be a member of the County Board of Health and would be compensated as the Quarterly Court would determine.