The following summaries are included herein for reference purposes.
- Private Acts of 1925, Chapter 324, provided that, in McNairy and Hardin Counties, any person who had two years work in a medical school and eight years experience in actual practice, as much as three years hospital work, and one year in the medical corps, and who was licensed to practice medicine for five years in any other State would be allowed and permitted to practice medicine in such Counties. Upon proper proof being given the Board of compliance with the terms of the act, the State Board of Medical Examiners was required to issue the person a license to practice medicine in the applicable County.
- Private Acts of 1927, Chapter 339, repealed Private Acts of 1925, Chapter 324, above.
- Private Acts of 1933, Chapter 631, stated that in Hardin County there were persons over 25 years of age who have attended medical college of a character recognized and approved by the State Board of Medical Examiners for at least one year and one who had practiced in conjunction with other practitioners for two years and who seem to the community to be fully qualified to practice medicine. Upon presentation to the Board of Medical Examiners of proof of the above facts, the Board was required to issue a license to such persons which would be as valid as any other medical license.
- Private Acts of 1974, Chapter 386, provided that in Hardin County, the County Judge, County Superintendent of Education, the Health Director, a doctor, a veterinarian, and a dentist would constitute the County Board of Health.
- Private Acts of 1996, Chapter 199, amended Private Acts of 1957, Chapter 409; as amended by Private Acts of 1977, Chapter 82; Private Acts of 1979, Chapter 23 and any other acts amendatory thereto, relative to the board of hospital commissioners changing the number of board members to five (5); two (2) county commissioners, two (2) citizens at-large, and one (1) physician who is a member of the medical staff of Hardin County General Hospital. This act was not adopted by the Hardin County Legislative Body.