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Elections - Historical Notes

Districts - Reapportionment

The acts listed below have affected the civil districts in Madison County, but are no longer operative regarding elections.

  1. Private Acts of 1917, Chapter 380, abolished the 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 11th and 19th civil districts of Madison County and attached the territory to the 1st, 4th, 10th and 12th districts.
  2. Private Acts of 1919, Chapter 690, amended Private Acts of 1917, Chapter 380, to authorize the County Court in Madison County to redistrict the county when necessary.
  3. Private Acts of 1925, Chapter 33, amended Private Acts of 1917, Chapter 380, to create the 9th Civil District in Madison County.
  4. Private Acts of 1931, Chapter 31, amended Private Acts of 1917, Chapter 380, to create the 10th Civil District in Madison County.
  5. Private Acts of 1947, Chapter 292, amended Private Acts of 1917, Chapter 380, to change the line between the 1st and 10th districts of Madison County.
  6. Private Acts of 1965, Chapter 250, amended Private Acts of 1917, Chapter 380, to provide that the City of Jackson would have 8 civil divisions and elect 8 justices of the peace.


The following is a listing of acts for Madison County which affected the elective process, but which have been superseded or repealed. They are listed here for historical and reference purposes.

  1. Private Acts of 1857-58, Chapter 122, changed the voting precinct of the 17th Civil District from Mt. Peirson to the house of R. M. May.
  2. Private Acts of 1915, Chapter 230, amended Public Acts of 1890 (2nd Sess.), Chapter 25, to make the act applicable to Madison County. Public Acts of 1890 (2nd Sess.), Chapter 25, provided for the registration of voters in counties of 70,000 or over and cities of 2,500 or over, and was amended by Public Acts of 1895, Chapter 3, and by Private Acts of 1919, Chapter 251, to require only one general registration every two and four years and to set the compensation of Registrars at $3 per day in Madison County. Private Acts of 1915, Chapter 230, was repealed by Private Acts of 1917, Chapter 736.
  3. Private Acts of 1915, Chapter 297, amended Public Acts of 1890 (2nd Sess.), Chapter 24, to include Madison County. This act provided regulations for insuring the "purity of elections," including ballots, instructions for voting, duties of Registrar, regulations for voting at polling places, conduct of voters, spoiled ballots, assistance to handicapped, and other matters. This act has been superseded by general law.
  4. Private Acts of 1919, Chapter 181, provided that no registration of voters would be required in Madison County outside incorporated towns. This act was repealed by Private Acts of 1949, Chapter 878.
  5. Private Acts of 1931, Chapter 365, provided that no registration would be required of voters in the rural districts of Madison County.
  6. Private Acts of 1935 (Ex. Sess.), Chapter 152, set the compensation of election officials at $2 per day. Private Acts of 1945, Chapter 276, raised the compensation of election officials to $3 per day, for one day only, and was amended by Private Acts of 1949, Chapter 141, to raise the compensation to $5 per day. These acts have been superseded by general law.
  7. Private Acts of 1935, Chapter 161, set the closing hour for polling places in any district which is located partially within an incorporated town and partially without at 7:00 p.m. This act has been superseded by general law.
  8. Private Acts of 1949, Chapter 140, set the compensation of all Registrars appointed by the Commissioners of Elections at $6 per day. This act has been superseded by general law.
  9. Private Acts of 1949, Chapter 878, repealed Private Acts of 1919, Chapter 181, and all other conflicting laws, and declared that the general voter registration laws would apply in Madison County.
  10. Private Acts of 1967-68, Chapter 6, would have amended Private Acts of 1947, Chapter 111, to provide that of a total of 57 members on the County Executive Committee, 33 would be allocated to the City of Jackson, but this act failed to gain local approval.
  11. Private Acts of 1993, Chapter 59, repealed Private Acts of 1947, Chapter 111, as amended by Private Acts of 1944, Chapter 415, Private Acts of 1963, Chapter 163, Private Acts of 1967, Chapter 6, Private Acts of 1975, Chapter 147, Private Acts of 1984, Chapter 243 and any other acts amendatory thereto relative to the county executive committee of the majority party in Madison County, and provided that all supplies, property, and other assets and all debts and other liabilities be transferred to its successor entity to be established in October, 1993