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Education/Schools - Historical Notes

Superintendent or Director of Schools

The acts referenced below once affected the office of superintendent of education in Morgan County, but are no longer operative.

  1. Private Acts of 1937, Chapter 367, as amended by Private Acts of 1939, Chapter 105, provided that counties within a certain population class elect by popular vote the superintendent of public instruction.

General Reference

The following acts constitute part of the administrative and political heritage of the educational structure of Morgan County but are no longer operative since they have either been superseded, repealed, or failed to receive local approval. Also referenced below are acts which repeal prior law without providing new substantive provisions.

  1. Public Acts of 1875, Chapter 25, authorized the trustees of Morgan Academy to sell the academy and grounds in Montgomery and to relocate in Wartburg.
  2. Public Acts of 1899, Chapter 180, enabled the citizens of Oliver Springs to form a school district out of parts of Morgan, Roane and Anderson counties, to be known as the Oliver Springs School District.
  3. Acts of 1905, Chapter 522, established a school district in the sixth civil district of Morgan County and set the qualifications of the election process for the board of directors.
  4. Acts of 1909, Chapter 494, required the parents of children between the ages of 8 and 14 to send their children to the public schools for four months each year in Morgan County. This act was repealed by Public Acts of 1978, Chapter 716.
  5. Private Acts of 1917, Chapter 668, provided that the Morgan County High School, whose term was longer than that of the elementary schools, could teach elementary students after the elementary term ended.
  6. Private Acts of 1925, Chapter 708, authorized Morgan County to issue bonds in an amount not to exceed $25,000.00 to build a high school at Petros. This issue required the approval of a majority of the qualified voters.
  7. Private Acts of 1925, Chapter 771, provided for the election by popular vote of the county superintendent of public instruction and the county board of education in Morgan County.
  8. Private Acts of 1931, Chapter 95, created and established a four year high school at Burreville in Morgan County to be known as the A.B. Wright High School and provided for its maintenance and upkeep.
  9. Private Acts of 1931, Chapter 361, authorized the Morgan County Court to borrow $12,000 evidenced by interest bearing notes for the purpose of building a high school gymnasium at Wartburg, Sunbright and in Oakdale. These bonds were to bear interest at a rate not to exceed 6%.
  10. Private Acts of 1937, Chapter 368, authorized Morgan County to issue $7,500 in interest bearing warrants to provide funds to operate elementary schools for eight months and high schools for nine months. These warrants were to mature within fifteen months from their execution and were to bear interest at a rate not to exceed 6%.
  11. Private Acts of 1941, Chapter 128, authorized the Morgan County Court to issue bonds in the amount of $75,000 for the purpose of erecting a public school at Wartburg. These bonds were to mature within 20 years and to bear interest at a rate not to exceed 6%.
  12. Private Acts of 1941, Chapter 439, authorized the payment of interest by Morgan County on warrants for teachers salaries that were outstanding.
  13. Private Acts of 1947, Chapter 485, authorized the Morgan Quarterly County Court to issue and sell $250,000 of interest bearing coupon bonds for the purposes of acquiring land and property, constructing, repairing, furnishing and equipping various schools in the county. This act also called for the levy of a tax to provide for the payment of principal and interest thereon.