SECTION 1. That the boundary line between the counties of Weakley and Obion, be, and the same is hereby so changed as to run and be established as follows: The said dividing or boundary line shall run northwardly, as at present established, to a stake in the middle of the channel of the north fork of Obion river; thence up said north fork of Obion river along the middle of the channel of the same, eight miles and ten poles, to a stake in the middle of the said channel; thence northwardly four miles and fifty-one poles, to a stake in the Clinton road; thence north sixteen degrees, west two miles one hundred and eighty-eight poles, with said road to a stake in the line which separates the States of Kentucky and Tennessee; and that portion of Weakley County lying north and west of the line hereby established, is hereby detached from the county of Weakley and attached to the county of Obion, and shall hereafter form a part of said county of Obion, and shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the County Court of Obion County, and to the jurisdiction of the Common Law and Chancery Courts, at Union City, from and after the passage of this Act; but the Chancery and Circuit Courts of Weakley County, respectively, shall have jurisdiction to try, hear and determine all suits now pending in either of said courts, as fully in all respects as if this Act had not been passed.
SECTION 2. That the Revenue Collector of Weakley county shall collect the State and county taxes in that part of Weakley county which is hereby attached to Obion County, for the year 1870, and pay the same over to the same authority, and in the same manner as if this Act had not been passed; and this Act shall take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.
Passed: June 18, 1870.