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Acts of North Carolina 1783 Chapter 51

  1. WHEREAS, the large extent of the County of Washington renders the attendance of the inhabitants on the extreme parts of the said county to do public duties, extremely difficult and expensive:
  2. That from and after the passing of this act, the county of Washington shall be divided into two distinct counties, by a direct line beginning at William Williams' in the fork of Horse Creek, at the foot of Iron Mountain, thence a direct course to George Gallespie's house, at or near the mouth of Big Limestone, thence a north course to the line which divides the counties of Washington and Sullivan, thence with said line to the Chimney Top Mountain, thence a direct course to the mouth of Cloud's Creek, in Holston River; and all that part of Washington County westward of the said line, from and after the passing of this act, shall be and is hereby declared to be a distinct county by the name of Greene.