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Acts if 1845 - 46 Chapter 126

SECTION 1.  That A. P. McCarty, Anderson Campbell, Richard Mitchell, William Nichol, of Hawkins county, and James Richie, James Fulkerson, John Farmer, Marshall Brewer and Alexander Bates, of Claiborne county, commis­sioners of Hancock county, or a majority of them, are hereby authorized and empowered to employ some suitable person to re-survey said county, and to make all necessary alterations in the original lines of said county, so as to avoid constitutional objections.

SEC. 2.  That after the commissioners shall have made the re-survey of said county of Hancock, as provided for in the 1st section of this act, they shall then proceed to organize said county of Hancock, as required by the act which this is intended to amend.

SEC. 3.  That Richard F. Cooke, William H. Richardson and James Bartlett, be and they are hereby appointed commissioners to survey the county of Putnam, in such manner, that the counties from which the county of Putnam is taken shall not be reduced below their constitutional limits, nor their seats of justice approached nearer than twelve miles, as prescribed in the constitution; and if upon such survey, they can obtain a constitutional county, they shall report the same to the next session of this General Assembly.  Provided, That said survey shall not include any portion of White county in Civil District No. 12. known as the head of Calf Killer, in said county.

Passed January 29, 1846.