SECTION 1. That the eastern boundary of Decatur county be extended to the low water mark on the east bank of Tennessee river, and that revenue accruing from trading boats, &c., trading on said eastern side of the river shall be due to the proper officers in Perry County, and collected as other revenue.
SECTION 2. That the Surveyors of Henderson and Decatur counties, as soon as practicable after the passage of this act, be and they are hereby required to commence at the point where the county line crossed the road leading from Lexington to Perryville, previous to the act passed at the last General Assembly, attaching a portion of Henderson to Decatur, and run in a south-westwardly direction so as to strike the southern boundary of Henderson county, at a point that will leave Henderson county her constitutional limits; and all east of the line shall be and is hereby attached to the county of Decatur; and the citizens thereof shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges and subject to all the liabilities of other citizens of Decatur county; and said Surveyors shall be allowed such compensation as the County Court of Decatur county may think their services reasonably worth.
SECTION 3. That all that portion of territory, lying north of the road leading from Lexington to Perryville, attached by the last General Assembly to Decatur county, be and the same is hereby declared a portion of Henderson county, and that the Sheriff of Henderson county, be and he is hereby authorized and required to collect the taxes due for the year 1847, in that portion of territory attached by the last General Assembly to Decatur county; and that he pay over all sums collected north of said road to the Trustee of Henderson county; and all such sums as may be collected south of said road, and east of the line described in the second section of this act, shall be paid over to the Trustee of Decatur county, and their receipts shall be good vouchers in the hands of the Sheriffs or Tax Collectors in the final settlement of their accounts; and all monies collected by the revenue collector of Decatur county from citizens in that portion of territory made by this act a part of Henderson county, shall be paid over to the Trustee of Henderson county, and his receipt shall be a good voucher in the hands of said revenue collector upon final settlement.
SECTION 5. That the said Surveyors, after running the line described in the second section of this act, shall designate two suitable places to open and hold an election of the qualified voters in said portion of territory by this act attached to Decatur county, and also two suitable persons to open and hold the same at each place; which election shall be held in thirty days after the running of said line, notice first having been given in at least four public places within the said territory for at least fifteen days; and those in favor of being attached to Decatur county, shall have on their tickets "Decatur county," and those opposed shall have on their tickets "Henderson county;" and if a majority vote in favor of being attached to Decatur, then those holding the elections shall make a report of the same to the County Court Clerks of each county, which shall be filed in their respective offices; and the portion thus attached to Decatur, shall be deemed and taken as a part of Decatur, and shall be under the jurisdiction of the same, in all things, as other portions of said Decatur county.
Passed: December 1, 1847.
COMPILER'S NOTE: Sections 4 and 6 concerned Perry County only and are not reprinted herein.