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Acts of 1909 Chapter 583

SECTION 1. That there be, and are hereby, created and established for and within the county of Overton, in the State of Tennessee, in lieu of the eleven districts therein as now laid out, five civil districts only.

SEC. 2. That the boundary of said civil districts shall be as follows:

First: The Fifth and Eighth Districts as now established are hereby abolished, and the territory embraced within said civil districts is hereby attached to and shall become a part of the territory now embraced within the Sixth District, all of which shall be known as the "First District."

Second: The Second Civil District as now established shall remain, and the First District as now established is hereby abolished, and the territory embraced within said First Civil District is hereby attached to and shall become a part of said Second District.

Third: The Third Civil District as now established shall remain, and the Fourth District as now established is hereby abolished, and the territory embraced within said civil district is hereby attached to and shall become a part of said Third District.

Fourth: The Seventh District as now established shall remain, and the Eleventh District as now established is hereby abolished, and the territory embraced within said civil district is hereby attached to and shall become a part of said Seventh District, both of which shall be called the "Fourth Civil District."

Fifth: The Ninth District as now established shall be abolished, and the Tenth District as now established shall remain, and the territory embraced within said Tenth District is hereby attached to and shall become a part of said Ninth District, which shall be known as the "Fifth District."

SEC. 3. That the said districts as hereby established shall so remain until changed by an Act of the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee.

SEC. 4. That the County Court is hereby empowered to locate the various voting precincts of the First, Second, Third, Fourth, and Fifth Civil Districts of Overton County as herein set out, and that all offices of Justice of the Peace and Constables of the Fifth, Eighth, Fourth, Eleventh, and Tenth Districts of Overton County are hereby declared vacant and abolished, and that the Justices of the Peace, whose offices are abolished by this Act, will turn over all of their books and records of office to the next nearest Justice of the Peace.

SEC. 5. That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act be, and the same are hereby, repealed.

SEC. 6. That this Act take effect from and after January 1st, 1910, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed: April 29, 1909.