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Acts of 1909 Chapter 126

WHEREAS for a number of years doubts have existed as to the true locality of portions of the line between the counties of Stewart and Houston running from the Tennessee River to the Montgomery County line; therefore, in remedy thereof,

SECTION 1. That the line between the counties of Stewart and Houston be, and the same is hereby, settled and fixed as follows-to wit:

Beginning on the Tennessee River at the Lagrange Metal Landing, the northwest corner of Houston County, as established by the Commissioners of said county; running thence east one and five-eighths miles 526 poles to Station 79 in an old field near a ridge road between Leatherwood and Hurricane Creeks, know as the "Cotton Patch;" thence with said road north 57' east 22 poles to Station 80; thence north 70' east 54 poles to Station 81; thence north 50' east 22 poles to Station 82, a point on said ridge road eleven miles from Dover; thence with the arc of a circle, keeping the distance of eleven miles from Dover, south 60' east 86 poles to Station 83; thence south 66' one mile to Station 84; thence south 72' east one mile to Station 85; thence south 78' east one mile to Station 86; thence south 84' east one mile to Station 87' thence south 87' east one mile to Station 88, a point due south of Dover, eleven miles from Dover; thence north 87' east one mile to Station 89; thence north 84' east one mile to Station 90; thence north 78' east one mile to Station 91; thence north 72' east, crossing Hurricane Creek about 200 yards south of Samuel French's, at 144 poles, in all one mile to Station 92; thence north 66' east one mile to Station 93; thence north 60' east one mile to Station 94; thence north 54' east one mile to Station 95; thence north 48' east one mile to Station 96; thence north 42' east 180 poles to Station 97, a small black oak and several black oak pointers on a high ridge in the Bryan Forge Coaling about onehalf mile north 4' east from George Hornberger's; thence north 86' east, crossing Wells' Creek at mouth of Dr. Carter's lane at three and one-half mile, crossing Grice Creek near Auther Powers at five and three-quarter miles, in all seven miles to Montgomery County line, to Station 98 in Montgomery County line, this being the line called for and established between the counties of Stewart and Houston by the Supreme Court of Tennessee in the case of W. L. Dunbar et. al. vs. N. McKinnon et. al. on the twenty-ninth day of March, 1896.

SEC. 2. That all territory lying south of said line shall be included in Houston County, and all territory lying north of said line shall be included in Stewart County.

SEC. 3. That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act be, and the same are hereby, repealed, and that this Act take effect from and after it passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed: February 18, 1909