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Acts of 1907 Chapter 451

SECTION 1. That the office of County Judge of the county of Hickman be, and the same is hereby, established in said county.

SECTION 2. That said County Judge shall be a citizen of said County, and shall have resided in said County for at least five years prior to the date of his election; he shall be at least thirty years of age; he shall be learned in the law, and shall be a man of good moral character.

As amended by: Private Acts of 1915, Chapter 109

SECTION 3. That immediately after this Act takes effect the Governor shall fill said office by appointment, the person appointed to hold his office until the first regular election for county officers occurring after the passage of this Act.

SECTION 4. That at the first regular election for county officers occurring after the passage of this Act the said County Judge shall be elected by the qualified voters of Hickman County.

SECTION 5. That the term of office of said County Judge shall be eight years from the first day of September following his election.

SECTION 6. That said County Judge shall be commissioned in the same manner of other Judges of the State, and before entering upon the duties of the office he shall take and subscribe to the same oath and be qualified in the same manner prescribed by law for Chancellors and Circuit Judges of this State, and shall also enter into a bond in the sum of five thousand dollars, conditioned to faithfully discharge the duties of his office and to account for all moneys and county property that shall come into his hands as such County Judge.

SECTION 7. That said County Judge shall not be precluded from practicing law in any of the courts of this State, except in the County Court of Hickman County and in cases appealed from his decision.

SECTION 8. That the County Judge herein created shall have and exercise all the powers, jurisdiction, and authority which now belong to and are exercised by the Chairman of the County Court of said county, and he shall also have all the powers, jurisdiction, and authority now conferred by law upon the County Judges, the office of Chairman of the County Court of Hickman County being hereby abolished.

SECTION 9. That said County Judge shall have the power and authority to grant fiats or writs of attachment or injunction or certiorari and supersedeas and all other extraordinary writs that the Chancellors and Circuit Judges of this State have the power to grant, and also to hear and determine cases on writs of habeas corpus, and he shall also have the right to appoint receivers.

SECTION 10. That all vacancies in the office of County Judge of Hickman County shall be filled in the same manner as vacancies in the offices of Chancellors and Circuit Judges; and when from sickness or other causes said County Judge is unable to hold his court or attend to the duties of his office, temporary appointments shall be made to fill his office in the same manner as now prescribed by law for Chancellors and Circuit Judge under similar contingencies.

SECTION 11. That the salary of the County Judge of Hickman County shall be Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) per annum, and the same shall be paid quarterly out of the general funds of the county. Provided, however, that the County Judge shall maintain an office in the Courthouse.

As amended by: Private Acts of 1945, Chapter 437

SECTION 12. That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act be, and the same are hereby, repealed, and that this Act take effect from and after the first day of January, 1908, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed: April 10, 1907.