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Acts of 1907 Chapter 282

SECTION 1.  That Chapter 1 of the Acts of the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, passed January 27, 1903, and approved January 31, 1903, entitled “An Act to redistrict Hawkins County, etc.,” be, and the same is hereby, amended as follows:


“1.  By detaching from what is now the Fifth Civil District of said county all that territory which, prior to the Act of 1903, constituted the old Fourth and Eighteenth Civil Districts, and attaching said territory to what is now the Sixth Civil District of said county.


“2.  By detaching the territory which, prior to the Act of 1903, constituted the old Sixth Civil District from what is now the new Sixth Civil District, and attaching the same to the present Seventh Civil District, so as to make the old Sixth and old Seventh constitute the new Seventh Civil District of said county.

“3.  By detaching the territory which, prior to the Act of 1903, constituted the old Ninth Civil District of said county from what is now the Seventh Civil District of said county, and attaching said territory to the present Fifth Civil District of said county, so as to make the old Eighth and old Ninth Civil Districts constitute the Fifth Civil District of said county.”

SEC. 2.  That the wards or voting places remain as they now are.

SEC. 3.  That the present district officials affected by this Act hold and administer their offices until the next regular county election, to be held in August, 1908, at which election district offices made vacant by this Act shall be filled, but none of the newly elected officers shall hold office under such election longer than the regular August election for the election of county officers in the year 1912.

SEC. 4.  That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act be, and the same are hereby, repealed.

SEC. 5.  That this Act take effect on and after the first Thursday after the first Monday in August, 1908, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed:  April 4, 1907.