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Acts of 1905 Chapter 475

COMPILER'S NOTE:  This Act has been amended by Private Acts of 1917, Chapter 652.

SECTION 1.  That the Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Eighth, Tenth, Eleventh, Twelfth, and Thirteenth Civil Districts of Bradley County, Tennessee, as the same have heretofore and up to this time been constituted and exist, be, and the same are hereby, abolished.

SECTION 2.  That the territory heretofore and up to this time embraced in the Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, and Thirteenth Civil Districts of said county, and all of that territory heretofore and up to this time embraced in the Sixth Civil District of said county, and lying east of a line beginning on the west line of the county road or pike, known as the Spring Place Road or Pike, where said pike crosses the north line of the present Fifth Civil District of said county, and running thence in a northwesterly direction with the west line of said pike to the east line of the corporation of the City of Cleveland, Tennessee; thence in a northerly direction with the east line of said corporation, to the street or road known as the extension of George Street; thence east with the north line of George Street, to the public road, known as the Chatata Road or pike; thence in a northerly direction with the west line of said Chatata Pike across the Southern Railway Company's track and right of way, near the old plant of the Cleveland Fire Brick Company, and continuing thence along the west line of said road or pike, to where said road or pike crosses the track and right of way of the Southern Railway Company, on the farm of the F. A. Frazier; and thence with the east line of the right of way of the Southern Railway Company, in a northerly direction to the south line of the present Seventh Civil District of said county, be, and the same is hereby, attached to what has heretofore and up to this time been the First Civil District of said county, and that the said combined territory be hereafter known and denominated the First Civil District of said county; that all of that part of the territory heretofore and up to this time embraced in the Sixth Civil District of said county, and lying west of the line above described, shall hereafter constitute and be known and denominated the Fourth Civil District of said county; that the territory heretofore and up to this time embraced in the Tenth, Eleventh, and Twelfth Civil Districts of said county, be, and the same is hereby, attached to what was heretofore and up to this time been the Ninth Civil District of said county, and that the said combined territory be hereafter known and denominated the Second Civil District of said county; that the territory heretofore and up to this time embraced in the Eighth Civil District of said county be, and the same is hereby, attached to what has heretofore and up to this time been the Seventh Civil District of said county, and that the said combined territory be hereafter known and denominated the Third Civil District of said county.

SECTION 3.  [This section was deleted by Chapter 764, Private Acts of 1917].

SECTION 4.  That the officers of Justices of the Peace and all other district officers, except School Directors in the districts hereby abolished, shall cease to exist.

SECTION 5.  That the School Districts of said county, as at present constituted and established, shall not be changed or affected by the provisions of this Act.

SECTION 6.  That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act be, and the same are hereby repealed; and that this Act take effect from and after the general election on the first Thursday of August of 1906, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed:  April 13, 1905.