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Acts of 1903 Chapter 283

SECTION 1. That all the civil districts of Perry County as now constituted be and the same are hereby abolished.

SECTION 2. That the territory heretofore comprising the First, Second and Eleventh Civil Districts of said county be and the same shall be known and nominated as the First Civil District of said county; that the territory heretofore comprising the Third and Fourth Civil Districts of said county be and the same shall be known and nominated as the Second Civil District of said county; that the territory heretofore comprising the Fifth, Sixth and Ninth Civil Districts be and the same shall be known and nominated as the Third Civil District of said county; that the territory heretofore comprising the Seventh, Eighth and Tenth Civil Districts of said county be and the same shall be known and nominated as the Fourth Civil District of said county.

SECTION 3. That the County Court of Perry County may alter or change the lines of the civil districts of said county so as to suit the convenience of the citizens of said districts, but no civil districts in excess of the four districts hereby established shall be created out of any of the territory of said county unless authorized by an Act of the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee.

SECTION 4. That from and after July 4, 1903, the offices of the Justices of the Peace and all other district officers in the districts heretofore constituted and abolished by this Act shall cease to exist.

SECTION 5. That a special election shall be held on June 20, 1903, for the purpose of electing Justices of the Peace and other civil district officers to fill the offices of the civil districts created by the provisions of this Act, and that the commissions of said officers shall bear date July 4, 1903, and shall expire on the first Thursday in August, 1904.

SECTION 6. That the voting precincts of said county shall remain as heretofore established, unless otherwise provided for by the County Court of said county.

SECTION 7. That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act be and the same are hereby repealed, and that this Act take effect from and after July 4, 1903, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed: April 9, 1903.