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Acts of 1903 Chapter 166

SECTION 1. That the line between the counties of Monroe and McMinn be and the same is so changed as to follow the boundary lines of the farms owned by William Thomas and G. M. Bilderback in the First Civil District of Monroe County and so as to include all of the said farms belonging to the said Thomas and Bilderback in Monroe County; the lines to run as follows:

Beginning at the southwest corner of what is known as the Ridge land, belonging to the heirs of H. B. Yearwood heirs, and running west 58 rods, more or less, with the lines of William Thomas' lands and Mrs. Mollie Flemmiken's land to a corner of the Heiskell lands; thence north with the line of Mrs. L. E. Heiskell 158 poles; thence in a northern direction with the line between William Thomas' land and the lands of Mrs. Heiskell to the Sweetwater and Pinhook road and G.M. Bilderback line; thence with G.M. Bilderback's line west to J. A. Bilderback's corner; thence in a northern course with the west line of G.M. Bilderback and William Thomas to a point in the road between J.P. Richeson and Elias Walker's place, where the Loudon County line intersects the McMinn and Monroe County lines.

SECTION 2. That this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed: March 13, 1903.