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Acts of 1901 Chapter 57

COMPILER'S NOTE: The general law describing sufficient fencing is found at T.C.A. § 44- 8-102.

SECTION 1. That in addition to the fences now declared by statute to be lawful fences, for the enclosure of lands, the following shall also be a lawful fence, in all counties of Tennessee, having a population of not less than twenty-one thousand nor more than twenty-two thousand inhabitants, according to the Federal census of 1900 or any subsequent Federal census, according to the following specifications, to-wit: Four wires, rails, or slats securely fastened to substantial post firmly stationed in the earth not more than twenty-five feet apart; the first wire, rail or slat shall be placed horizontally or with the surface, and as nearly as possible, fourteen inches from the ground; and the second fourteen inches from the first; the third fourteen inches from the second; the fourth sixteen inches from the third; Provided, said fence may consist entirely of wire strands, or of boards, or of slats, or of rails, or of wire rails, boards and slats.

As amended by: Private Acts of 1903, Chapter 222

SECTION 2. That this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed: April 19, 1901.