SECTION 1. That the present boundary line between the counties of Lake and Obion be so changed as to read as follows: Beginning at a point in the present boundary line of said counties, on the west bank of Broad Slough, at the commencement of what is known as the Scatters, or Main Slough, draining Reelfoot Lake, at a large double leaning willow tree, marked with maple pointers twenty feet south-west of same, and an ash and three small cypress trees fifteen feet south; thence north 28 degrees east to what is known as "Willow Bar Tow-head;" thence north 31 degrees east to the head of Rag Point (an island of green cypress trees) in the lake; and thence due north to the southern point of Horse Island, intersecting again the Lake and Obion County line.
SECTION 2. That all of said portion of Reelfoot Lake, and all territory therein included west of the above described line, and cut off from Obion County, by said survey, be added to Lake County; and that this act shall take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.
Passed: April 10, 1893.
COMPILER'S NOTE: This Act was challenged in State v. Hoffman, 210 Tenn. 686, 362 S.W.2d 231 (1962).