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Acts of 1889 Chapter 75

SECTION 1. That the line between the counties of Davidson and Williamson be changed
as follows: So as to run from the point where the Davidson and Williamson line now crosses
Mill Creek, the line run up in the center of Mill Creek to a point opposite where the Franklin and
Lebanon Road crosses the Nolensville Turnpike; thence in a straight line, about fifty yards to the
center of said Nolensville Turnpike, where said Franklin and Lebanon Road crosses said turnpike;
thence up and in the center of said Nolensville Turnpike, it being a southerly direction, to a point
opposite the Rock Well; thence in a southeasterly course to where the present line between
Davidson and Williamson crosses the Burkett Road, and the line of Davidson County is so
extended as to include the lands within said boundaries in Davidson County.
SECTION 2. That this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare
requiring it.
Passed: March 12, 1889.