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Acts of 1873 Chapter 69

SECTION 1. That the line between the Counties of Polk and McMinn, be so changed as to include in the County of McMinn the lands of M.L. Phillips, known as the "Phillips Ferry Farm," said changed line to begin at the Phillips Ferry, on the north bank of the Hiwassee river; thence up the river with the lines of said Phillips' lands, in Polk County, to the main stock road, which is the present line between said two Counties, so as to include all of said farm in the County of McMinn; Provided, that nothing in this Act shall be so construed as to reduce Polk County below its constitutional limits, nor bring the line, thus designated, nearer the Court House of Polk County than eleven miles.

SECTION 2. That all of that part of Dickson County east of Harpeth River, be attached to Cheatham County.

SECTION 3. That the line between the Counties of Hawkins and Hamblen be so changed as to include the lands of Daniel Reed in the County of Hamblen.

SECTION 4. That this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed: March 21, 1873.