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Acts of 1855-56 Chapter 162

SECTION 1. That the line between the Counties of Maury and Lewis be so changed as to run as follows to wit: - Beginning at a black ash corner near Mrs. Maxwell's spring, in Maury County; running thence east, three hundred and eight poles to the north-east corner of McDonald's one hundred and forty-nine acre tract; thence south, two hundred and twelve poles to Martin's corner; thence east, five hundred and eighty-nine poles along R. M. Cooper's north boundary line to the said Cooper's north-east corner; thence south, one hundred and seventeen poles to the present County line, near the head of Hunter's mill-pond; thence west, and with the present County line to the beginning.

SECTION 2. That this act shall take effect from and after its passage.

COMPILER'S NOTE: Sections 3 and 4 do not apply to Maury County and have been omitted.

Passed: February 25, 1856.