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Acts of 1855-56 Chapter 149

SECTION 1.  That so much of the act passed January 27, 1842, entitled "An act to establish a Criminal Court in the County of Davidson," which requires the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Davidson to attend said Criminal Court and perform the duties of Clerk thereof, be, and the same is hereby, repealed.

SECTION 2.  That hereafter a Clerk for said Criminal Court of Davidson County, shall be elected by the voters of said County, for the same term of years, and at the same time, that Clerks of the Circuit Court are now elected by law.  The said Clerk shall perform all the duties as Clerk of said Criminal Court, and receive the same fees and compensation therefor as now allowed by law.  He shall execute bond, with security, in the sum of five thousand dollars, to be approved by the Court, conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties of his office, and the payment to those entitled of all fines, forfeitures, and other moneys coming into his hands by virtue of the same; and he shall be liable upon said bond, by motion or otherwise, in the same manner that Clerks of the Circuit Courts are now made liable.

SECTION 3.  That all the records and other papers belonging to said Criminal Court of Davidson County, now in the possession of the Circuit Court Clerk of said County, shall be delivered to the said Clerk of the Criminal Court upon his being installed into office after the first election, which shall take place at the next election for Clerks of the Circuit Courts.

Passed:  January 19, 1856.