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Acts of 1853-54 Chapter 89

COMPILER'S NOTE: The remaining portions of this Act do not apply to Lawrence County and are not reproduced herein.

SECTION 10. That the dividing line between Lawrence and Lewis counties be so changed, that all of that part of the north-western portion of the county of Lawrence, lying immediately south of and adjoining the county of Lewis, which may be left after surveying out and setting apart to said county of Lawrence its constitutional territory, as hereinafter mentioned, shall be included in and attached to the county of Lewis. Provided, it shall not appear that the county of Lewis, as enlarged, is not a constitutional county.

SECTION 11. That before any such change shall take place, the county court of Lewis county, a majority of the acting justices of the peace being present and voting in the affirmative, shall pass an order notifying the county court of Lawrence county, that they desire to have said county of Lawrence surveyed out, and it constitutional territory set apart to it, as hereinafter mentioned.

SECTION 12. That it shall be the duty of the county court of Lawrence county, on receiving the above mentioned notice, to appoint some competent and suitable person to make said survey, who shall have power to employ at the expense of said county of Lewis, chain carriers, a marker, flag bearer, a pack horse man, and such other persons as may be necessary to assist him in making said survey, and who shall together with said chainers and marker before commencing said survey, take and subscribe an oath before some justice of the peace in the county of Lawrence, faithfully, honestly, and correctly to perform the duties imposed upon them by this act, to the best of their knowledge and belief.

SECTION 13. That said survey shall begin at the south-east corner of the county of Lewis, on the north boundary of Lawrence, and run thence eastwardly with the north boundary of said county of Lawrence to the north-east corner of the same; thence southwardly with the west boundary of Giles county, the Alabama State line; thence westwardly, with the same to the south-east corner of Wayne county; thence northwardly with the same so far, that by running east and north to the beginning, will include in the county of Lawrence six hundred and twenty-five square miles, its constitutional territory.

SECTION 14. That said survey when made shall be returned to the next quarterly term of the county court of Lawrence County, and the change in the dividing line between Lawrence and Lewis counties as herein mentioned, shall take effect from and after the time said survey is received and approved by said county court of Lawrence County.

Passed: March 2, 1854.