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Acts of 1853-54 Chapter 138

SECTION 1. That the line between the counties of Perry and Hickman be changed as follows--to-wit: Beginning on the present county line, twenty poles north of William Watson's; thence East, to Abisha Curl's, so as to include said Curl in Perry county; thence southeast to Owen Morgan's; thence south-east to Jno. Sutherland's, on the Cave branch; thence southeast to David Carry's, including all of said persons and places in Perry county; thence south-west so as to leave Alexander Joice in Hickman county; and thence so as to leave John Sisco's in said county of Hickman; thence south to the county line on the dividing ridge between Cane and Brush Creeks; and all the territory stricken from Hickman county by changing the line as above described, be, and the same is hereby attached to the county of Perry.

SECTION 2. That the persons residing within the territory attached to the county of Perry by the first section of this act, shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges, and subject to all the liabilities and penalties of other citizens of Perry county; and that this act shall take effect from and after the tenth day of March next.

SECTION 3. That it shall be the duty of the county surveyor of Perry county to run and mark the line between said counties of Hickman and Perry, as set forth in the first section of this act; and it shall be the duty of the county of Perry to pay for the same. Provided, said change does not reduce said county of Hickman below its constitutional limits.

Passed: March 3, 1854.