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Acts of 1852 Chapter 367

COMPILER'S NOTE: Section One did not apply to Lewis County, but rather concerned a boundary change between Hardin and Decatur counties.

SECTION 2. That the boundaries of Lewis County, be, and they are hereby established, as follows: Beginning at the north-west corner of Lawrence County, as run by Frierson and afterwards by Ross, and run with the line, dividing the second and third sections, north 842 east, 12 miles and 34 poles to a large post mark, on the old Lawrence county line, marked L.C.C. & E.C.F.; then north 78 poles; then east 160 poles; then to north 60 degrees east, leaving David Lindsey to the north, 400 poles to Patterson's line; then north 21 degrees west, with said line, 460 poles; then east 460 poles to the range line east of William B. Smith's; then north 115 poles to the north-west corner of entry no. 909, in the name of Elijah Ray; then east 320 poles; then north 12 degrees west, leaving James Beekman, Caleb S. Williams and William Ephland to the west 370 poles to the north-east corner of a 34 acre tract of land, entered in the name of Mark Grimes; then north, 54 degrees west, 395 poles to the north-east corner of entry No. 295, in the name of Wm. Williams; then west, crossing Patterson's line at two miles and 50 poles, in all 1445 poles to the line between George Vincent, sen., and Jesse Sims; then north 490 poles to a stake in Henry Mayfield's entry; then east 350 poles to George Vincent's, jr., southeast corner; then north 195 poles to his north-east corner; then west 250 poles; then north 345 poles to the north boundary line of West and Akin's large entry; then east 590 poles to John A. Johnston's east boundary line, 30 poles east of Patterson's line; then north, 35 east, 240 poles to the south-east corner of William Rickett's 15 acre tract; then north 50 poles to his north-east corner; then north, 32 west, 265 poles to Joseph Peyton's, sen., north-east corner; then west 60 poles to the Patterson line; then with said line north, 52 west, two miles and 50 poles to Thomas S. Patton's south boundary line; then east 100 poles to his south-east corner; then north 190 poles to his corner; then west 118 poles to Patterson's line; then north westwardly to the Hickman County line; then with the present boundaries of Lewis County to the beginning.

SECTION 3. That Albert G. Cooper, Robert O. Smith, W. H. Flannegan, John S. Hunter and George Nixon, be, and they are hereby appointed commissioners to run the unascertained boundary from the Patterson line, northwestwardly to the Hickman County line, and to designate and mark the line as set forth in the preceding section, wherever it may be necessary; and for this purpose, they are authorized to employ competent surveyors: they will see that the Lewis County line does not approach the county seat of Maury County nearer than twelve miles, and they are empowered to make any change in the boundaries above given, that may be necessary to ensure this object, and they will run the unascertained line, so as to leave to Maury County her constitutional area of territory.

SECTION 4. That it shall be the duty of the commissioners, as soon as the said line has been run according to the provisions of the foregoing section, after giving ten days notice, at two or more public places in said fraction, of the time and place to open and hold an election in the fraction of Maury County proposed to be taken from said county, for the purpose of ascertaining whether a majority of the voters residing in said fraction are in favor or opposed to said change, and all persons qualified to vote for members of the General Assembly, who have resided in the fraction aforesaid six months immediately preceding the day of voting, shall be entitled to vote, and each voter who desires to vote for the change, shall have on his ticket the words Lewis County, and those opposed to the change shall have on their tickets the words Maury County; and if upon counting the ballots the judges of the polls shall return that a majority have voted for the change, then the said fraction cut off by said line from Maury County, shall become a part of the county of Lewis, and the jurisdiction of said county is extended over said fraction.

SECTION 5. That all the provisions of the act, passed on the 21st of December, 1843, Chapter 38, entitled "an act to establish the county of Lewis," remain in full force and effect, except so far as its provisions may be altered or interfered with by this act, and that the commissioners hereby appointed, have all the power and authority conferred upon the commissioners appointed by said act, and that they proceed to do all other acts necessary and proper for the complete organization of said county of Lewis, in accordance this act shall be in force from and after its passage.

SECTION 6. That should the jurisdiction of Lewis County be lawfully extended over any portion of the territory embraced within the lines run by the commissioners under the act of 1843, no transfer, as herein before provided, of the official acts and judicial proceedings of said county of Lewis need be made to the counties whence such territory was taken, but such official acts and judicial proceedings shall be made to the counties whence such territory was taken, but such official acts and judicial proceedings shall be held valid to all intents and purposes, and the books, papers and proceedings of the several courts and officers of said territory so again embraced in Lewis County, shall be handed over to the corresponding duly elected officers of Lewis County, in said territory, to be proceeded with as if the original organization of said county had been good and valid.

SECTION 7. That so soon as the line between the counties of Maury and Lewis shall be established, agreeable to the provisions of this Act, the county seat of Lewis shall be, and is hereby established permanently at Newburg.

SECTION 8. That until the county seat is established as provided for in this Act, the county and circuit courts shall be held at the place known as Jo. Smith's old place.

SECTION 9. That the sheriff of Maury County, is hereby authorized to appoint one additional deputy.

Passed: February 4, 1852.