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Acts of 1849-50 Chapter 83

SECTION 1.  That the line between the counties of Gibson and Dyer, be so changed as to include in the county of Gibson, the territory lying between the North Fork and Little North Fork of Forked Deer river, so that the line shall run with the said forks of said river to their junction.

SECTION 2.  That the citizens living in the following bounds in Carroll county, are hereby permitted to attach themselves to Weakley county, in the manner hereinafter prescribed, to wit:  Beginning at the north west corner of Carroll county, running with said county line east, to a distance of two miles, thence south to the Obion river, thence down said river as it meanders to the west boundary line of said county, thence with said line to the beginning.

SECTION 3.  That the county court of Carroll county, is hereby empowered to designate a suitable place in said bounds, at which to open and hold election of the qualified voters residing in the limits of said territory, and also to appoint some suitable person, who after giving twenty days notice in writing in three places in said bounds of the time and place of holding said election, shall open and hold the same on the day, and at the place specified in said notices, opening the polls at the hour of 11 o'clock, A.M., and closing the same at the hour of 3 o'clock, P.M., and at which election all the citizens living in said territory who are qualified to vote for members of the General Assembly shall be entitled to vote, and those who are in favor of being attached to Weakley county, shall have on their ticket the word "Weakley," and those in favor of remaining in Carroll county shall have upon their ticket the word "Carroll," and the person so appointed to hold said election, shall return a certified copy of the polls of said election to the clerks of the county courts of Weakley  and Carroll counties, and which poll lists shall be filed in each of said offices, and if the voters aforesaid, shall vote to be attached to the county of Weakley, then the territory shall be taken and deemed to be a part of the county of Weakley, and the citizens therein shall be entitled to all the privileges and rights of citizens of Weakley county.  Provided, that if the cutting off of this territory, shall reduce Carroll county below its constitutional limits, this act shall be void.

SECTION 4.  That the person so appointed to open and hold said election, shall appoint three judges and two clerks of the same, and he is hereby empowered, and it is made his duty to qualify said judges and clerks as in elections for members of the General Assembly.
