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Acts of 1847-48 Chapter 15

SECTION 1. That the eastern boundary of Decatur county be extended to the low water mark on the east bank of Tennessee river, and that revenue accruing from trading boats, &c., trading on said eastern side of the river shall be due to the proper officers in Perry county, and collected as other revenue.

SECTION 4. That the county seat of the county of Perry shall after the passage of this act, be known and distinguished by the name of Lindon.

SECTION 6. That the Surveyor of Perry county, and the Surveyor of Wayne county be required to examine the line between Wayne and Perry as defined by the last General Assembly, and if it approaches nearer at any point to Waynesborough, than twelve miles, then said Surveyors shall so alter the line as to prevent it approaching nearer than twelve miles, and such line as defined by them shall be the line between Perry and Wayne; and said Surveyors shall have such compensation as their respective County Courts may deem their services reasonably worth.

COMPILER'S NOTE: Sections 2, 3 and 5 concern Decatur county and therefore are not included herein.

Passed: December 1, 1847.