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Acts of 1845-46 Chapter 175

SECTION 1. That the line between the counties of Morgan and Fentress shall be changed, so as to leave the line as heretofore run at the forks of the Clear fork; thence up the left hand fork to the mouth of Shoal creek; thence up Shoal creek to its head, making the meanders of said creek the line; thence with the dividing ridge between the Clear fork and Cook's creek, keeping on its extreme height to the head of Bise's creek; thence down Bise's creek to Clear creek; thence up Clear creek to the old county line; as heretofore established between said counties.

SECTION 2. That the field officers of the 17th and 18th regiments of militia, which regiments compose the militia of Claiborne county, be and the said field officers are hereby required to meet at the courthouse in Tazewell, on the first Monday in July next, for the purpose of making a more equal division of the said regiments without regard to the civil districts.

SECTION 3. That the county courts of Morgan and Fentress, or either of them, be and they are hereby authorized to employ the county surveyors of said counties, or either of them, or any other competent person or persons to run and mark said line, and make such surveyors such compensation as the said court or courts may think reasonable, payable out of the county treasury.

SECTION 4. That nothing in this act contained shall be so construed as to require said county courts, or either of them, to have said line run and marked, or to make an appropriation for the payment thereof, unless at the discretion of the court, a majority of the justices being present and voting in the affirmative.

Passed:  February 2, 1846.