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Acts of 1841-42 Chapter 90

That the following alteration is hereby made in the lines between the counties of Wilson, Cannon and DeKalb counties: That is to say, beginning at or near the Widow Black's, on the Rutherford county line, running with the top of a ridge so as to include Samuel Greer in Cannon county, thence with the dividing ridge that divides the waters of Smith's Fork from Sander's Fork, so as to include John Sneed in the county of Cannon, thence down Smith's Fork to the DeKalb county line, thence with said line to the line of Cannon county, and the line so run is hereby established as the same between said counties: Provided, said alteration of the foregoing lines shall not reduce the county of Wilson below the constitutional limits in regard to territory.

Passed: February 3, 1842.