SECTION 1. That so much of the county of Wilson, as lies south of the following line, to wit: beginning at the house of John Baxters, or near there, on the Cannon and Rutherford line, running with the dividing ridge, a north course to Wm. Jewell's, then an eastern course with the ridge, dividing the waters of Saunder's Fork, & Smith's Fork, to the mouth of Saunder's Fork, thence with Smith's Fork meanders to the Wilson and Cannon line, at Richmond's (alias) Hase's Mill, be, and the same is attached to the county of Cannon; and that the citizens included in said territory attached to Cannon from Wilson, shall have and enjoy all the rights and privileges, as other citizens of Cannon county: PROVIDED, the county of Wilson has a surplus territory to spare, over and above her constitutional limits, which is to be ascertained by reference to the survey made by Thomas Anderson, agreeable to an act of Assembly passed at the session of 1835.
COMPILER'S NOTE: Sections 2, 3 and 4 of this act referred to Coffee and Franklin Counties and are therefore not repeated here.
Passed: January 13, 1838.