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Acts of 1837-38 Chapter 199

SECTION 1. That the western boundary line of Marshall county shall be altered in the following manner, (viz:) commencing at the point where the western boundary line now crosses Duck river, running thence with the meanders of Duck river down to the mouth of Cedar creek, thence running to the point in Dr. Anderson's field, where present boundary line; and, also the territory lying between the present line strikes the same, and thence with the present line, and the line herein established shall constitute part of the territory of Marshall county, and the citizens residing therein shall enjoy all the privileges and be subject to all he duties of other citizens of Marshall county. Provided, the sheriff of Maury county shall have right to collect any taxes which may not have been paid by the inhabitants residing in said territory, and to enforce payment of any judgment which has been heretofore rendered, or which may be rendered against any of them in any suit now pending in any court of Maury county.

SECTION 2. It shall be the duty of the sheriff of Marshall county, after giving twenty days notice of time and place to hold an election in that fraction of Marshall taken from Maury county, lying north of Duck river, and if a majority of the qualified voters residing in said fraction shall vote in favor of being again attached to Maury county, he shall make return thereof to the succeeding county court of Maury county, and said return shall be entered of record, and from the date of such record the said fraction shall constitute part of Maury county: Provided, that if the territory mentioned in this section shall be attached to Maury county, the sheriff of Marshall shall have all the powers therein which are conferred by the proviso to the first section of this act upon the sheriff of Maury.

SECTION 3. That the dividing line between the counties of DeKalb and White, running north from the four tree mile, on Dibrell's road, be so changed as to run with the line of the eighth district to the Jackson county line, leaving all the citizens residing in said eighth district in the county of White.

SECTION 4. That the line of Powel county as established by this General Assembly, be so changed as to exclude the long islands from said county and to leave them in the county of

PASSED: January 27, 1838.