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Acts of 1833 Chapter 301

SECTION 1. That it shall be the duty of the surveyor of Jackson county, to run and mark
a in beginning at the south east corner of Smith county, and running thence a direct line to the
place where the county line of Jackson, run by William W. Woodfolk, crosses Cane creek,
which line, when so run, shall be and constitute a part of the dividing line between the counties
of White and Jackson; and all entries of land which may have been made in either of said
counties, and which may by the establishment of said line be ascertained to lie in the county
other than that in which the entry was made, shall be as good and valid as if the same had been
made in the proper county; and all such entries are hereby directed to be surveyed by the
surveyor of the county in which the land may have been entered, which survey shall be good and
valid in law, although the land so surveyed may not lie in the county of which he is surveyor.
SECTION 2. That the county court of Jackson, shall make said surveyor a reasonable
compensation for his services, out of any moneys in the hands of the treasurer of said county not
otherwise appropriated.
Passed: November 4, 1833.