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Acts of 1824 Chapter 36

SECTION 1.  That a county, to be called and known by the name of Fayette, be, and the same is hereby, established west of Hardeman and east of Shelby, beginning on the southwest corner of Hardeman county running thence north to the fifty sectional line in the tenth district; thence west to a point one mile west of the third range line in the eleventh district, the east county line, to the south boundary of the state; thence east on said south boundary line, to the beginning.

SECTION 2.  That, for the due administration of justice for said county, the courts of Pleas and Quarter-Sessions and Circuit Courts of said county shall be held at the dwelling-house of Robert G. Thornton, until otherwise provided for by law to wit:  the courts of Pleas and Quarter-Sessions on the first Monday in December, March, June, and September, and the Circuit Court on the fourth Monday in June and December, in each year, each term to be held one week, if necessary, under the same rules, regulations and restrictions, and to have and exercise the same powers and jurisdiction, that other courts of judicature, of like grades, in this state may have or possess.

SECTION 3.  That the sheriff of said county shall open and hold an election, at the place of holding courts in said county, on the first Thursday, and succeeding day, of January, for the purpose of electing field officers for the militia of said county, under the same rules, regulations and restrictions pointed out by law in similar cases, and the militia of said county shall compose the ___ regiment.

SECTION 4.  That it shall be the duty of the commandant of said regiment, having been first commissioned and sworn according to law, to divide his regiment into such number of companies as he shall think best for the convenience of said companies; and it shall further be the duty of the said commandant, to issue writs of election for company officers, according to law, as provided for in other cases of elections for company officers.

SECTION 5.  That the commissioners appointed by an act of the present session of the General Assembly, entitled "An Act to amend an act appointing commissioners to fix on the permanent seats of justice in the counties therein names," be, and they are hereby, directed to fix upon a site for the seat of justice for the county of Fayette, and that they have all the powers and privileges, an emoluments, in fixing upon the seat of justice in said county, as are given them in the said act, as well as the said act is intended to amend.

SECTION 6.  That the aforesaid county of Fayette shall be attached to the fifteenth solicitorial district, and the eighth judicial circuit, in the state of Tennessee.

Passed:  September 29, 1824.