COMPILER'S NOTE: This section is the only section which applies to Fayette County, the remaining parts of the act did not apply.
SECTION 7. That the following described lines shall be the bounds of one other county which may hereafter be laid off west of the said last described bounds: Beginning on the south west corner of the last described bounds, running thence north to the 5th sectional line in the 10th district; thence west to a point one mile west of the 3d range line in the 11th district; thence south parallel with said range line to the south boundary of the state; thence east on said boundary to the beginning. And that the following described lines shall be the bounds of one other county which may hereafter be laid off north of Shelby county: Beginning on the line separating the 11th and 13th districts, at a point two miles west of the first range line in the 11th district; running thence west on said dividing line to the middle of the Mississippi river; thence down the main channel of the same to the north west corner of Shelby county; thence east with the north boundary of Shelby county, and the last mentioned bounds, to a point three miles east of the 2d range line in the 11th district; thence north parallel with the said line to the beginning. Which two last described bounds shall be attached, and be a part of Shelby County, until otherwise provided for by law, and shall enjoy all the privileges, and (be) subject to all the duties as citizens of Shelby county, with this exception, that no tax shall be laid or collected in the said bounds for the purpose of erecting public buildings in the county of Shelby.
Passed: November 7, 1821.