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Acts of 1817 Chapter 38

SECTION 1. That all that tract of country lying within the following described bounds, shall be and is hereby made and constituted a new and distinct county by the name of Morgan, in honor, and to perpetuate the memory of the late Major General Daniel Morgan, to wit: Beginning on the top of Walden's Ridge, on the line of Roane and Anderson counties, thence south westwardly with the extreme top of said Ridge, within ten poles of the main Cumberland Turnpike Road, thence a parallel line with said Road, leaving the same ten poles to the south, to where Robert Johnston now lives, on the great Cumberland road, thence a direct course to the ford of the clear fork on Cumberland river, where Pale's Turnpike road crosses the same, thence due North to the Kentucky line, thence East with said line to the corner of Campbell County, thence with said line to the corner of Anderson, thence with said line to the corner of Anderson and Campbell Counties, near the head of smoky creek leaving all the waters of smoky creek in Anderson County, and all the waters of Brimstone in Morgan County, thence to the beginning, so as to leave all the waters of new river in Anderson county, and all the waters of Emery in Morgan County.

COMPILER'S NOTE: Sections 2 through 9 were not applicable to Roane County.

SECTION 10. That nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to prevent the collector of public taxes for Roane and Anderson counties, from collecting the tax that may be due for the year 1817, or that may become due before the said county of Morgan shall be organized.

SECTION 11. That William Hogshead is hereby appointed a commissioner on the part of Anderson county, and Joseph McPherson a commissioner on the part of Roane county, and William Wall a commissioner on the part of Morgan county, to run the line contemplated in the first section of this act, who are hereby authorized to employ a suitable surveyor, and a sufficient number of chain carriers, to run out and mark the lines aforesaid.

SECTION 12. That the commissioner on the part of Roane County, shall be allowed for his services the sum of two dollars per day, to be paid by the treasurer of Roane county, out of any monies in his hands not otherwise appropriated whose receipt shall be good in the settlement of his accounts, and that the commissioner on the part of Anderson county, shall be allowed the like sum of two dollars per day, to be paid by the treasurer of Anderson county, out of the county monies, whose receipt shall be good in the settlement of his accounts, and that the commissioner on the part of Morgan county, shall be allowed the like sum per day to be paid by the treasurer of Morgan county, out of the county monies whose receipt shall be good in the settlement of his accounts.

October 11, 1817