1. That the territory south west of Bledsoe, and south of Warren and Franklin counties, shall constitute a county by the name of Marion.
2. That said county of Marion shall be bounded as follows, to wit: Beginning on the North West mountain, at the fork of Brush creek, where the road leading from Bledsoe county to Warren county crosses the same; thence down the said creek to the mouth; thence up Sequatchee river to the mouth of Prigmor's Powder Mill creek; thence up the said creek to the top of Walden's ridge; thence down the top of said ridge, to the bluff on Tennessee river; thence south to the southern boundary line of this state; thence west to the top of the ridge that divides the waters of Crow creek and Mud Creek; thence up the said ridge to the top of the mountain that divides the waters of Tennessee from Elk River, and the Caney Fork of Cumberland river to the beginning.
3. That for the due administration of justice, the courts of pleas and quarter sessions, and the circuit court in said county, shall be holden at the house of John Shropshire, until otherwise provided for, under the same regulations and restrictions, and shall exercise and possess the same powers and jurisdiction, as is possessed by said courts in other counties in this State.
4. That the sheriff of Marion county, shall hold an election at the place of holding courts in said county, on the first Thursday and Friday in April next, for the purpose of electing field officers for said county of Marion, under the same rules and regulations as are prescribed by law in similar cases; and the militia of said county of Marion shall constitute the regiment, and shall be attached to, and become a part of the seventh brigade.
5. That elections for company officers for the county of Marion, shall be at such places as the commandant of militia in said county may appoint, which said elections shall be held on the first Thursday in June next, under the same rules, regulations and restrictions as are prescribed in like cases.
6. That said county of Marion, shall be a part of the district for electing a Governor, representatives to congress, electors to elect a president and vice president of the United States, and members to the General Assembly, to which the county of Bledsoe now belongs, and that elections be held at the place of holding courts in said county, at the time, and in the manner by law directed; and the sheriff or returning officer of said county, shall make return of the polls of said elections, to the sheriff or returning officer of said county shall make return of the polls of said elections, to the sheriff of Bledsoe county, in the town of Pikeville, on the day next succeeding each election, and upon comparing the votes, they shall declare the candidate for the representative of said county of Bledsoe and Marion, who may have the highest number of votes, duly elected, and give certificate accordingly; and it shall be the duty of the sheriff of Bledsoe county, to make the return of votes in said counties of Marion and Bledsoe, for senator of said district, members of Congress, Governor, &c: as heretofore directed by law.
7. That it shall and may be lawful for any justice of the peace for Bledsoe county, to attend at the place appointed by law for holding court in Marion county, at the first court of pleas and quarter sessions, appointed to be holden for said county, for the purpose of administering to the justices of said county, the necessary oaths.
8. That so soon as the treaty lately made with the Cherokee Indians, shall be ratified by the government of the United States, this act shall take effect and be in force, and until that period the inhabitants therein shall still be attached to, and considered a part of Bledsoe county.
Passed: November 20, 1817.