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Acts of 1815 Chapter 184

SECTION 1. That from and after the passage of this act, the dividing line between the counties of Wilson and Rutherford shall be as follows: Beginning two and an half miles north of the south west corner of Warren county on the dividing line between the said counties of Wilson and Warren, on the ridge that divides the waters of Stones' river and those of the Cumberland, thence with the top of said ridge so as to include William Ray's present place of residence, Charles Porterfield's old place, and the plantation whereon Captain John McKnight formerly lived, thence due west to the now dividing line between the said counties of Wilson and Rutherford.

SECTION 2. That all that part of the county of Wilson lying south of the said line shall be and is hereby annexed to the county of Rutherford, provided that nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to prevent the sheriff of Wilson county, or the collector of the fourth collection district of Tennessee, from collecting any arrearages of taxes which may be due to the county of Wilson or to the United States within the before described bounds.

SECTION 3. That Jesse Brashear is hereby appointed to run and plainly mark the said dividing line as described in the first section of this act, for which he shall be entitled to two dollars per day for each day he may be necessarily engaged therein, which shall be paid by the persons residing within the limits of the territory hereby annexed to the county of Rutherford.

Passed: October 30, 1815.