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Acts of 1815 Chapter 182

SEC. 1. That all that part of White county, lying east and south of the following described lines, that is to say:  Beginning on the old Cumberland road, where the line of Rhea county strikes the same, thence with said road to the ford of Obed's river so as to include all the citizens on each side of said road, in Bledsoe county, thence a direct line to the cross road near Simpson's stand, on the new road leading to Sparta, so as to include said stand in Bledsoe county, thence a direct line to a point two miles north west of Peter Hoodenpyles, thence a direct line to the ford of Brush creek where the Madison road crosses the same so as to include Archibald Beard in Bledsoe county, be and the same is hereby made a part of Bledsoe county.

SEC. 2.  That nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to prevent the sheriff of White county from collecting any tax or arrearages of tax that is or may be due from those who are by this act added to the county of Bledsoe, for the year 1815.

SEC. 3.  That this act shall be in force from and after the passage thereof.

SEC. 4.  That all settlements left out of Bledsoe county, lying on Cumberland road, by the establishment of the above line shall be included in White county. Provided nevertheless, That the settlements on Cumberland mountain called Anderson's and Robertson's settlements, and a settlement near Crance's shall still be considered a part of White County.

Nov. 6th, 1815