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Acts of 1809 (Sept. Sess.) Chapter 79

SECTION 1.  That from and after the passing of this act, the bounds of Warren county shall be as follows, (to wit:) Beginning on Cumberland mountain at the south west corner of White county, thence westwardly along the top of said mountains to a point just twenty poles further than a place opposite where Avent, a son-in-law of Thomas Vining now lives, thence a direct course by the house spring on the head of Stones river, to the east boundary line of Rutherford county, thence along the lines of Rutherford, Wilson, Smith and White counties, to the beginning; and that the country taken from Warren county by the reduction of it as aforesaid, shall be and the same is hereby declared to be attached to and held to be a part of Franklin county, any former law to the contrary notwithstanding.

COMPILER'S NOTEThe sections following Section 1 do not apply to Franklin County and are not included herein.

Passed:  November 23, 1809.