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Acts of 1809 (First Session) Chapter 91

That from and after the passing of this act, that part of Blount county included within the following lines, to wit:  Beginning at the extreme height of the round top mountain near William Davis's in Weir's cove, from thence running due south until the said line intersects the Indian boundary line, thence along the said line until it intersects  Sevier county line, thence along said line to the beginning, be, and the same is hereby annexed to and shall in every respect whatever compose part of the said county of Sevier: Provided, the aforesaid location may not include any of the citizens of Tuckylechy cove in the county of Sevier:  And provided also, that nothing in this law contained, shall prevent the sheriff of Blount from making such collections as he is authorized to make under the laws in force, previous to the passing of this act.

22nd Nov. 1809.